- All
- faint at first, as wrapt in veil Of Sinai's cloudy dark,
- But
- dawning as I read the tale, I slow discern and mark
A gracious, simple, truthful man,
Who walks the earth erect,
- Nor
- stoops his noble head to one From fear or false respect;
- Who
- seeks to climb no high estate, No low consent secure,
With high and low serenely great,
Because his love is pure.
Oh not alone, high o'er our reach,
Our joys and griefs beyond!
To him 'tis joy divine to teach
Where human hearts respond;
- And
- grief divine it was to him To see the souls that slept:
"How often, O Jerusalem!"
He said, and gazed, and wept.
Love was his very being's root,
And healing was its flower;
Love, human love, its stem and fruit,
Its gladness and its power.
Life of high God, till then unseen!
Undreamt-of glorious show!
Glad, faithful, childlike, love-serene!--
How poor am I! how low!